Well the tour has come to an end, and now the long haul begins!
Thanks to everyone involved with making this a great success, and a great time!
A special thanks to Toma for making sure we got everywhere and making sure all the shows went well!
Jan for stepping up and making sure BC was looked after and constantly partying!
All our hosts, Micha, Freddy, Laurant, Robert, Ingo, Tony Slug, TJ Tilburg, Eugene, and Michelle... everyone who came to the shows and partied with us, all of the venues, and of course all our families and friends without whom none of this would have been possible!
See ya back in the Swamp sometime around 2pm on Monday!
Till next time, heres a final pic from the last flight of the tour from Auckland back to Palmy... after all the sunny goodness of Europe, good to see NZ was in fine form!
Graeme, Jimmy, Matt and Ben.